Pedoman Penulisan
The manuscript texts are written in Indonesia or English. Manuscripts will be first reviewed by editorial boards. The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. The manuscript consists of 5000 words (minimum) or writing manuscript articles at least 15 pages with, well-typed in single column on A4 size paper, use 12 pt of Times New Roman. The manuscript contains an original work and have potentially contribute to the highly scientific advancement
The manuscripts are arranged in the following order:
1) Title
Title of articles in Indonesia or English should describe the main content of manuscripts, be informative, concise, and not too wordy (12-15 words only), and does not contain formulas.
2) Full name of the author
The author's name is placed under the title of the article with the size of 11 points, written without a title, accompanied by the original address of the institution, and e-mail. For articles conducted by the team, the editorial name of the author is only the correspondence of the primary author or author whose name is listed in the first line.
3) Abstract
Abstracts are written with 1 space, 10 points, 1 paragraph, using the Indonesian and English language in one paragraph of 150-200 words, containing background, research objectives, methodology, results, conclusion of the study and your research contributions to science.
4) Keywords (keywords)
Keywords are written with a size of 10 points, using the Indonesian and English language, and consist of 3 (three) to 5 (five) words placed under the abstract. Keyword presentations are arranged alphabetically.
5) Introduction
Explaining the background, problems, importance of research, brief literature review that relates directly to research or previous findings that need to be developed, and ended with a paragraph of research purposes. A balance must be kept between the pure and applied aspects of the subject.The introduction is presented in the form of paragraphs of approximately 1000 words.
6) Method
Make sure that work can be repeated according to the details provided. It contains technical information of the study presented clearly. Therefore, readers can conduct research based on the techniques presented. Materials and equipment specifications are necessary. Approaches or procedures of study together with data analysis methods must be presented.
7) Results and Discussion
The part of result exposes the findings obtained from research data which is related to the hypotheses. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. The part of discussion explains the findings obtained from research data along with theory and similar research comparison. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results.
8) Conclusion
Conclusion should be withdrawn on the basis of research findings, formulated concerns and research purposes. Conclusion is presented in one paragraph without numerical form of expression. Explain your research contributions to science.
9) Reference
The list of references is presented with suitability to quotes on the body of writing and preferably using the last 10 years library. The presentation refers to the 6th APA (American Psychological Association) style and uses the alphabet as the basis for sequence placement. Authors are encouraged to use citation and referral management software such as Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero.